Saturday 18 June 2011

Pengabdian Masyarakat

Civil engineering department went to a rural area,  tried to feel what poor people have been feeling by living together in several days..

Being an organizer committee president wasnt so easy in this program, but it gave me such awesome experience. This rural area named as Dusun Gridim, located about 1 hr from the city center of Lamongan, it was pretty much hard to reach this area because we used double axle cars and the road was just like off road track (but not that much).

The main purpose of this program is to make students who will lead Indonesia know about what poor people feel so that someday when they are really sitting on the government seat they will remember and do the best to save and welfare these people.
not only living on this rural area and help the resident to go to the rice field, bathing cows, etc, but also in the last day of this program we made a collaboration with dentistry department due to developing this rural area and giving explanation about the importance of brushing teeth.

we taught the kids how to do brush teeth well, doing teeth check up

 There were about 180 students from civil engineering department participating in this program, they crashed with host family in there and doing activities like daily activities of the residents in this rural area, i worked as an organizer and venue controlling, always sleep until the middle of the day because i had a things evaluation in the middle of the night and that made me slept very late.
very very old cooking style, eh
this was the place where i ate, crashed the night, doing Organizing Committee evaluation, and place for cooking food at once
there was a man who owns this place where i had been living during the program, he was a really good man named 'Cak Mat', very kind and nice, whenever we need help he was always help us out and sometimes when we were doing evaluation meeting he gave us snacks, and so often he told his history in living his life. he told those things to us like 100 times and sounded like listening to a radio, but otherwighed he was still the best and the most kind person in this rural area who took care of us.
but unfortunately i dont have his photo.

daily activity

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